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Coca Cola Logo

The Evolution of the Coca-Cola Logo

From Humble Beginnings to Global Icon

A Journey Through Time

The iconic Coca-Cola logo, with its distinctive flowing script, has become one of the most recognizable symbols in the world. But how did it come to be, and what has changed over the years?

In 1886, Coca-Cola's founder, John Pemberton, designed the first logo, featuring the words "Coca-Cola" written in Spencerian script. The intricate flourishes and the use of a red and white color scheme have remained constant throughout the logo's evolution.

Refining the Design

Over the years, the logo underwent subtle changes to enhance its appeal. In 1904, the "Coca" and "Cola" elements were separated, and a black outline was added to make the logo more legible. In 1969, the "Dynamic Ribbon" was introduced, a curved shape that surrounds the text, adding depth and movement.

A Symbol of Innovation

The Coca-Cola logo has not only remained relevant but has also embraced innovation. In 2014, the "One Brand" strategy introduced a unified logo across all Coca-Cola products, regardless of their flavor. The red and white color scheme remains central to the design, ensuring instant recognition.


The evolution of the Coca-Cola logo is a testament to the company's commitment to tradition while adapting to changing times. Its distinctive script, simple yet striking design, and vibrant color palette have remained timeless, leaving an enduring mark on the global brand landscape. As the world continues to change, the Coca-Cola logo will undoubtedly continue to evolve, carrying with it the heritage and legacy of one of the world's most iconic brands.
