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A History Of Name Changes

Czech Republic or Czechia: What's in a Name?

A History of Name Changes

The exact name of the country known as the Czech Republic has changed several times throughout history. Until 1993, it was called Czechoslovakia, but after the Velvet Divorce, it split into two separate countries: the Czech Republic (or Czechia) and Slovakia.

Official and Unofficial Names

Since 2016, both "Czechia" and "the Czech Republic" have been used in an official capacity. However, "Czechia" is considered the short name and "the Czech Republic" is the longer, more formal name.

Origins of the Name Czechia

The name "Czechia" derives from the name of the Czech tribe, who settled in the region in the 6th century. The word "Czech" itself is thought to come from the Proto-Slavic word for "ceh," meaning "human being" or "member of a tribe."

International Recognition

Despite the official adoption of the name "Czechia," it has not yet gained widespread international recognition. Many countries still refer to the country as "the Czech Republic" in their official communications.

The name debate is not merely a matter of semantics. It reflects the complex history and identity of the Czech people. As the world continues to evolve, it remains to be seen whether "Czechia" will eventually become the universally accepted name for this Central European nation.
